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News & Presse

Automated tape laying © TCKT
Automated tape laying © TCKT

Sustainable composites


At the Transfer Centre for Plastics Technology in Wels, experts are working on fibre-reinforced plastics for lightweight construction. Sustainability and recycling are the future focal points. Research is being conducted on innovative recycling solutions for customers who can also have their materials and components tested.

The RUBIG 5-axis laser processing centre offers virtually unlimited options true to the motto of "4 lenses and 4 technologies"
The RUBIG 5-axis laser processing centre offers virtually unlimited options true to the motto of "4 lenses and 4 technologies" © RUBIG Group

Innovative surface coating


The RUBIG Group is consolidating its Laser Technology and Surface Coating divisions with its latest subsidiary, RUBIG Technology. This increases the field of application for lightweight parts at the same time. The surface coating technology is individually adapted to the customer‘s requirements. And RUBIG has even found a formula to fight viruses and bacteria.

Wound and laminated parts are cured under pressure in the autoclave. © Peak Technology GmbH
Wound and laminated parts are cured under pressure in the autoclave. © Peak Technology GmbH

Innovation in composites


Peak Technology GmbH‘s products launch rockets into space, move satellites into the right orbit, propel formula 1 cars, electrify air travel, store hydrogen, and win the 24 Hours of Le Mans. It is the challenge that drives the Upper Austrian lightweight construction specialist.

The Polymer Competence Center Leoben researches into polymer structural and functional materials, and the matching technologies for their production and processing. ©
The Polymer Competence Center Leoben researches into polymer structural and functional materials, and the matching technologies for their production and processing. ©

Research on lightweight technology


The Polymer Competence Center Leoben GmbH (PCCL) is a collaborative research institute focusing on polymer science and technology. Hereby, the main focal points are polymer based, functional and structural materials as well as production and processing technologies. These are intended as the basis for future innovations in a wide range of applications.

Eröffnung des KVT Experience Centers © KVT-Fastening
Eröffnung des KVT Experience Centers © KVT-Fastening

KVT eröffnete sein Experience Center offiziell am 30.06


Am 30.06. wurde das KVT Experience Center offiziell eröffnet. Kunden, Lieferanten und Geschäftspartner wurden in das Gebäude des Experience Centers in Linz eingeladen.



Neuartige Wasserstofftanks als Beitrag zur Dekarbonisierung des Verkehrssektors


MAST3RBoost (Maturing the Production Standards of Ultraporous Structures for High Density Hydrogen Storage Bank Operating on Swinging Temperatures and Low Compression) ist ein europäisches Projekt, das darauf abzielt, durch die Entwicklung einer neuen Generation von ultraporösen Speichermaterialien (Aktivkohlen/ACs und metallorganische Gerüstverbindungen/MOFs) für wasserstoffbetriebene Fahrzeuge (Straßen- und Schienenverkehr, Luft- und Wassertransport) eine industrie-taugliche Lösung für die H2-Speicherung bei kryogener Speichertemperatur (~-180°C) unter Kompression (100 bar) zu schaffen.

V.l.: Stephan Kubinger, Spartenobmann-Stv. sparte.industrie der Wirtschaftskammer Oberösterreich; Stefan Seidel, CTO Pankl Racing Systems und Sprecher der Leichtbauplattform A2LT; Anna Kleissner, Econmove; Karl M. Radlmayr, Senior Vice President Engineering, FACC
V.l.: Stephan Kubinger, Spartenobmann-Stv. sparte.industrie der Wirtschaftskammer Oberösterreich; Stefan Seidel, CTO Pankl Racing Systems und Sprecher der Leichtbauplattform A2LT; Anna Kleissner, Econmove; Karl M. Radlmayr, Senior Vice President Research, Development & Digitalization voestalpine Metal Forming GmbH; Peter Glaser, Vice President Engineering FACC AG © Plattform A2LT - Austrian Advanced Lightweight Technology/APA-Fotoservice/Reither

Leichtbau ist ökonomisches Schwergewicht und Schlüssel für den Klimaschutz

Studie zeigt erstmals wirtschaftliche Bedeutung von Leichtbau-Technologien in Österreich


Es gibt kaum Technologien mit vergleichbarer Wirkung, doch wird sie als eigene Disziplin kaum wahrgenommen: Leichtbau ist eine Antwort auf Material- und Energieknappheit und damit eine Schlüsseltechnologie für den Klimaschutz. Leichtbau ist darüber hinaus ein Stärkefeld österreichischer Unternehmen und Forschungseinrichtungen, das schon jetzt für eine Wertschöpfung von 9,4 Mrd. Euro sorgt und 77.400 Arbeitsplätze sichert. Auch für die Zukunft verspricht es weiteres Wachstum. Zu diesem Ergebnis kommt eine erstmals durchgeführte Analyse der Ökonomin Anna Kleissner im Auftrag der österreichischen Leichtbauplattform Austrian Advanced Lightweight Technology (A2LT).

Pankl Racing Systems is headquartered in Kapfenberg. © Pankl Racing Systems AG
Pankl Racing Systems is headquartered in Kapfenberg. © Pankl Racing Systems AG

A success story, since 1985


With high tech, high speed and high quality, Pankl Racing Systems has been one of the world‘s leading developers and producers of engine, chassis and drivetrain components since 1985. Pankl not only supplies the racing industry, but also the sports car and aviation industries with innovative products.

Lightweight construction affordable, sustainable and intelligent: Small sized wind energy rotor blade made of bio-based materials © Kunststofftechnik Leoben
Lightweight construction affordable, sustainable and intelligent: Small sized wind energy rotor blade made of bio-based materials © Kunststofftechnik Leoben

Lightweight polymer construction


The Montanuniversität Leoben (University of Leoben) works on polymer lightweight construction for various differnt fields of application with a sound understanding of the materials, micro- and macromechanical modelling expertise and on the basis of broadly based processing technology.

MARK produces ultra-lightweight, corrosion-free hydraulic cylinders. © MARK Hydraulik GmbH
MARK produces ultra-lightweight, corrosion-free hydraulic cylinders. © MARK Hydraulik GmbH

Lightweight cylinders for everyone


The MARK Group looks back on an innovation track record that goes back nearly 100 years. The company revolutionised skiing with the invention of the ski boot buckle. By entering the automotive market, MARK Hydraulik GmbH created the basis for sustainable entrepreneurial activity and the foundation for the on-going development of groundbreaking technologies and products.

120 Einträge | 12 Seiten