The MARK Group looks back on an innovation track record that goes back nearly 100 years. The company revolutionised skiing with the invention of the ski boot buckle. By entering the automotive market, MARK Hydraulik GmbH created the basis for sustainable entrepreneurial activity and the foundation for the on-going development of groundbreaking technologies and products.
Im Rahmen des von der FFG geförderten Sondierungsprojekts „Pro-Imagine“ (Process Routes for Improved Magnesium wrought parts in Europe) soll die industrielle Verarbeitung des Werkstoffs Magnesium durch eine Optimierung von Umformprozessen erleichtert und eine deutliche Energieeinsparung erzielt werden.
With its extensive material and process expertise and its tool solutions designed for quality and performance, Leitz offers a perfect package of products and services for machining modern materials. Leitz products are used in more than 150 countries globally, and on all continents.
Die österreichische Leichtbauplattform A2LT ist eine Erfolgsgeschichte. Robert Machtlinger, CEO der FACC, hat als Plattformsprecher die inhaltliche Neuausrichtung mit Fokus auf nachhaltigen, leistbaren und intelligenten Leichtbau angestoßen und geprägt. Stefan Seidel, CTO von Pankl Racing Systems, war daran schon intensiv beteiligt und wird die Roadmap als neuer Plattformsprecher nun operativ umsetzen. Im Interview sprechen die beiden „Sirs“ des Leichtbaus über ihre Motivation, ihre Philosophie und den Nutzen von A2LT.
KVT-Fastening, as part of the Bossard Group, has been a leading specialist for industrial fastening and assembly technology since 1972 and offers sophisticated, high-quality individual components and customer-specific solutions for applications in a variety of sectors. Innovative MultiMaterial-Welding (short MM-Welding) is particularly important for lightweight construction.
Johannes Kepler University Linz with its broad range of disciplines is a pioneer when it comes to innovative technologies. This is especially true for the Department of Mechatronics, which today already comprises 14 institutes with a wide variety of technical orientations. This interdisciplinary environment opens up a multitude of new avenues, e.g. the use of mechatronics for lightweight structures.
Passion for technology, revolutionary solutions and Austrian quality – this is what the Fronius brand has stood for since 1945. Fronius develops its tailor-made, innovative systems for welding technology for and with its customers. Both digitalisation and sustainability play a central role in high-end welding processes.
Bei der Zukunftsreise Anfang April nach Schweden stand die Schlüsseltechnologie Leichtbau mehrere Tage lang im Zentrum. Bei intensiven Gesprächen und während der Konferenz konnten einige Anknüpfungspunkte für künftige Zusammenarbeit identifiziert werden.
The University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, School of Engineering in Wels was founded in 1993 and is one of the pioneers in the UAS sector. With its focus areas and extremely successful research projects, it is one of the most renowned universities of applied sciences in Austria.
FACC is a leading international technology enterprise in the aerospace industry with a focus on research and development into innovative lightweight components and technologies. As an aerospace pioneer, the company sets standards for a unique, sustainable and safe flying experience with its forward-looking products and services.